Nursing Research and Statistics, Nursing Education, Management of Nursing Service and Nursing Education

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Nursing research and statistics

Nursing research and statistics are included in the 3rd year B. Sc. Nursing program. It is designed to enable students to develop an understanding of basic concept of research process and statistics.

It is further structured to conduct participate in need based research studies in various settings and utilize the research findings to provide quality nursing care.

Nursing Education

Nursing education is designed to help the students to acquire an understanding of the principles and methods of teaching and to equip the students with the beginning skills in teaching in clinical, community health and educational settings.

Management of Nursing service and Nursing education

Management of Nursing service and Nursing education is included in the 4th year B.Sc Nursing programme. These are designed to provide the students a basic knowledge about the principles and functions of nursing education and nursing administration and its application to the nursing service and education.

This is also designed to enable students to acquire understanding of the professional responsibilities prospects and contribution to the growth of the profession.